Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Collaborative Writing

Here's what:
As I was looking though Pt England School blogs, to keep up to date with what other schools are doing with their blogs. I came across their teacher learning space and the following presentation that caught my attention:
Using Google docs as a modelling book for writing

So What:
I was excited to learn about Etherpad a web-based programme that can be used for collaborative writing in the classroom. A highlight for me was that Jill was able to "provide step by step guidance about what to write and how to make it impact on the reader" while at the same time she was able to model at each step.


Now what:
I would like to try using Etherpad for writing this term in the classroom.  It might work better if I started with a smaller group of 4 - 5 students before moving onto a bigger group/whole class.
In addition a programme like Etherpad could be used in staff meetings, or to work collaboratively with colleagues.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Never Give Up on your Dreams

On Friday 17th April 2015 I got to celebrate my graduation from a Bachelor of Teaching Degree.  It was an emotional day as a recalled the challenges of the past three years. The many days I sat secluded working on assignments, all seemed a distant memory now. Was it all worth it?

There is no doubt in my mind having this qualification behind me which has enabled me to teach, is  a significant milestone in my life. A dream I had for more the a decade, was now in my reach. The pleasure of being a teacher is greater than I could have expected. It is a priviledge to champion students, believing the absolute best in them and for them. I love being part of their journey. 

There are so many people who have and continue to support and encourage me. There are no words for the love I have for you.
To my amazing husband Simon and sons Brett & Ross, we did it ! 

Flowers & Card from the staff & students at Manukorihi Intermediate School

Friday, 10 April 2015

Setting up iPads

Setting up 14 new iPads in my school has been one of the most exciting and challenging opportunities I have had in my first term of teaching. I can say the excitement has outweighed any learning opportunities along the way :-)

I look forward to how this journey will develop over time. At this stage the 14 new iPads that have been set up and will be managed with Meraki. My next step is to purchase app's which will be pushed out the the iPads.

The Process:

Justine Driver's blog : Setting up iPads & Meraki

I followed Justine's blog instructions, especially the "Next Time" advice. These instructions were crucial in the successful implementation of the VPP account and Meraki. I would have been so lost with out this information. Thank you Justine for recording your experiences for others to use and learn from.

VLN: Volume Purchasing Information

I was reassured to read posts in the Virtual Learning Network from colleagues who have had been through this process in the school and could offer advice and tips. 

Allanah King : Initial iPad Setup 

Allanah's site has tutorials, printable pdf's so show how to use an app and embed it in your blog, app suggestions as so much more.

A special thanks to Scott Walden & Raylene Hunt !!

My learning:

  1. Taking time to read and find information before jumping into any project like this is invaluable and will save time and frustration in the long run.
  2. I found that installing Meraki directly to each iPad using , entering your school's Network Id was the quickest way to invite each iPad onto Meraki.
  3. Factor in time over and above the VPP & Meraki management to set up each iPad from new.
  4. I have actively contributed to my own professional learning, at the same time my enthusiasm in setting up the iPads will hopefully benefit the teachers and students in my school.