Thursday, 20 August 2015

PTC sharing and networking

Today we had an opportunity to talk about how we are saving our evidence that we are are meeting the Practicing Teacher Criteria.  Some colleagues are using Evernote, My Portfolio, blogs or paper.

This is an example of sources of evidence that we could use for our PTC criteria.
One goal I would like to set for the coming weeks is to take a video of myself teaching.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Learn Create Share....

I am so excited about the blogs that students are creating in our school. I have been reading the blogs from other classes to see what has been happening in their classrooms.  I hope that by making comments students will see that their hard work has been appreciated, and hopefully develop positive relationships with students that I may not have interaction with in the usual school day.

Monday, 17 August 2015

Developing an effective Writing Program

On Friday 14 August I attended a Professional Learning Development day with Sheena Cameron held at Urenui Community Centre.

Sheena led us through an engaging, interactive and fun day.

We learnt about three lesson types.

Some key points that were important to me:

Modelling to students is important. Enforce points like "clever writers cross out and find a better word"

Adding detail symbols can be used to to make criteria of writing clear for students - have a checklist that lets the students know what you expect.
Keep criteria Visual, Memorable and Measurable.
Keep the criteria the same - change the motivation.

I liked the idea of setting partners for think-pair-discussion times.

Modelling how to use a planning sheet is important

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Coding and more...

This week I attended at PLD event hosted by Noel Leeming. I had heard about Osmo before on Twitter, but it was exciting to get to have a play at the event.

The highlight of the event was learning about coding using Ozobot. Users take control of the Ozobot's movement by using colour codes. This is the starting point for teaching the basics of coding.

Osmo is a interactive system that allows you to work alongside an iPad.

Google Cardboard is a great way to view 3D videos.

3D printing

Monday, 3 August 2015

Effective Professional Learning Conversations (PLC)

Yesterday during our staff meeting we have a rich conversation about Effective Professional Conversations led by a staff member. As a staff we agreed that our conversations should be purposeful and should result in action taken to improve students learning and achievements. We thought about "What they are" and "What they are not".