Friday, 27 January 2017

Deep Learning Tasks

As part of our Teacher Call Back day for 2017 we were required to complete a reading by Fullan & Langworthy (2014) entitled A Rich Seam: Chapter 3: New Pedagogies : Deep Learning Tasks. Further to this we were asked to run a market space during our call back day on an area of the reading that had impacted us personally.

I chose to lead my market space on "Collaboration vs Co-Operation" - This came from some wonderings I had been having about my own understanding of collaboration. We explored this further during our market space.

21st Century Learning Design explains that collaboration is more than one person telling others what to do and they do it ... but true collaboration in when students work together, this requires shared responsibility, making decisions, and their work being interdependent of each others.

My colleagues explaining their new knowledge of collaboration

I created these QR codes to help us understand these terms and how they related to collaboration

Thursday, 19 January 2017

3D Design

Tonight we explored 3D design and we looked closely at Kidesign. Which is 
allowing students to creating virtual 3D buildings and towns. Collaboratively we made the following table recording our understandings of how 3D design can encourage collaboration, design skills, innovation and self-regulation.