Friday, 17 November 2017

"Wonder - ful" punctuation

Here's what:

Today I taught my lesson on punctuation (speech marks) using our "Wonder" text.

So What:

I supported the lesson with this video and students were given opportunity to "Think-Pair-Share" about how speech marks are used.

Working together with a partner (teacher buddies able with less able student) to highlight the speech marks and punctuation in the text from "Wonder"
What did we notice?

Now What:

I thought this lesson was successful. Consider doing a similar lesson again the next couple of weeks. 

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Using data for teaching

Here's What:

As Term 4 takes on a whole new adventure, I have decided that change my inquiry due to the student needs in my class. I had noticed from my e-asTTle writing data and personal observations that while we have seen excellent progress with writing, so see my class reach the maximum potential we would need to focus on punctuation.

Writing Report e-asTTle Term 3 2017

So what: 

After brainstorming some ideas with my team : here is the approach we decided to take.

Honeycombe inquiry with key question

Now What 

I plan to teach a lesson on speech marks using a relevant text of "Wonder" that we are currently reading in class as a shared reading. Can students, notice speech marks, punctuation after or before speech marks.