Thursday, 1 July 2021

Digital Fluency Day 9 - External Recognition !

 Wohooo its a PASS for me! 

So thrilled to pass my Google Certified Trainer Level 1 exam today 👏

I have been so INSPIRED and REFRESHED through doing the DFI course, I feel like I have a renewed passion for teaching. I could do DFI every term, loved it. I thrive in an environment when I am learning, and creating so this has been my best term in a long time. My brain is bursting with all the amazing new learning happening in my classroom. A big impact on my teaching has been the introduction of T-shaped literacy pedagogy.

As mentioned above ! I have really been inspired and equipped to work more effectively especially with the use of Google forms. WOW. I am using them to administer snapshot test for my GAP spelling tests. My students are benefitting so much because they are seeing their results instantaneously instead of waiting for me to mark them and return the tests.


As always we are better together and I have really loved being with amazing bubble team. Here is a link to our blogs for future reference and some screenshots of a couple comments I have made.