Thursday, 14 April 2016

A celebration

The moment when students write "Wow" sentences when you've been teaching this all term ... and this one time you didn't ask them to 😊😀

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Ideas to support acceleration

This week I have gathered a range of maths activities, games with resources for an identified target group on my class.  I am hoping that these students will be able to enjoy these activities in the holidays. Next term I will be running an after school maths club with a focused time of 45mins. This initiative has come from the key ideas from "Jump-starting students who are behind" by Suzy Pepper Collins. 

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Fractions .... group work

In this video students have recorded their learning of converting fractions to decimals, and percentages. This was another example of accelerated learning in my class, with mixed ability grouping. It was exciting lesson, as again students all worked at achieving the mathematics at the required standard.