Friday, 25 March 2016


Here's What:
Last week I decided to base my mathematics teaching around the acceleration strategy that we had learnt about in our recent professional development.

The keys from our reading "Jump-starting students who are behind" by Suzy Pepper Collins was to 
  • make learning experiences relevant (real-world relevance)
  • rich vocabulary experiences
  • hands on experiences

The learning in the classroom is fractions, decimals and percentages in every day life focusing on students being able to use a range of additive and multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages.

I attempted to achieve this by creating a learning experience where students could use the current Warehouse mailer to go shopping for easter eggs for their family, and buy something for themselves with a budget of $120. What fraction of the money would they spend on themselves? What fraction of the money would they spend on easter eggs?

So What?

As a teacher I enjoyed teaching/guiding students in this lesson. I was thrilled to hear rich mathematical conversations among students. The barriers of grouping and ability was removed and all students engaged in the learning.

Have a look at our blog, to see first hand students enjoying the relevant, hands-on learning experiences ...      Room 13 - Easter Challenge

Now What?
I would like to implement more learning this way. As identified in assessment data, the students in my class need the most support in learning Addition/Subtraction.
I wonder how I can incorporate this learning in a relevant context for my students??

1 comment:

  1. An excellent example of a real life context to bring to the students attention the relevance of maths and why wee need to be competent at it in everyday life.
