Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Moderation of measurement

Today we spent some time in our staff meeting working together to moderate some mathematics samples. We had rich discussions about the strategies that students were using.


  1. Hope you found this useful. More examples coming for other strands in next few weeks. I think the rich conversations that were occurring are evidence of the complexity of the challenge of placing students at a particular level and therefore the validity of the Nation Standard information that is presented in the media.

  2. I found this exercise to be very useful. It was a good way to work collaboratively with colleagues. I found the use of the NZCMS Years 1 - 8 very useful as opposed to the Mathematic Strands exemplar which was kindly shared by Julia. However, I think the exemplar is a great way for our students to self assess where they are at.

    The task definitely encouraged us to all think critically about where each student should be placed.
