Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Google Classroom

For our second assignment for Mindlab Postgrad studies our task was to investigate and use a digital tool to meet a need in our classroom. At first Vanessa (my partner in the assignment, who is a teacher in an nearby intermediate school) were not quite sure how we were going to do this. We thought of possibly using a Google Doc with a planning tracker.... we soon found out this was not the solution for us.

So we have decided to look at using Google Classroom instead. I have never used Google Classroom before and I am excited about the possibilities. Where to next?

I needed to do some online searching as to how to set-up a classroom. I decided that I would start with creating a classroom for one of my digital technology classes, as these were smaller classes and hopefully these students would become my early adopters.

I found this very helpful video from Alice Keeler

So the journey begins.....

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