Friday, 12 May 2017

What is inquiry ?

This week I planned a collaborative group  activity for students to get a greater understanding of their thoughts on what inquiry is. Using Kath Murdoch's resources, students arranged the key steps of inquiry into the order which made sense for them personally.  For this activity there was little input from me as the teacher, as I was looking for the students understanding. I am excited to see that students are gaining understanding with regards to inquiry, as is clear from the evidence. This is related to PTC3 for myself, as I am learning more with the students about the inquiry process.

One Groups response:
First Questions - brainstorm what you want to know
Finding out - gather information to support your topic
Sorting Out - take time to understand your information to see if that all you need to know
Synthesising and Reflecting - look over your information and see if you have to ask anything else
Going Further - see how your question relates to you
Acting and applying - how do you present this
There is a flow

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